C# - Dictionary
Dictionary(TKey, TValue)
Dictionary(TKey, TValue)
الـ dictionary مجموعة
من المفاتيح Keys والقيم Values .
سوف نتعرف على:
TryGetValue Method
Count Property
Count Method عن طريق Lambda Expression
Remove Method
Clear Method
Convert From
Array To Dictionary
Convert From
List<> To Dictionary
لاستخدام الـ dictionary نستدعي namespace
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 400
Employee emp2 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 2,
Name = "Yasser",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 322
Employee emp3 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 3,
Name = "Sara",
Gender = "Female",
Salary = 333
Dictionary<int, Employee> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
Employee empIndex = dictionary[1];
Console.WriteLine("EmployeeID =
{0}, Name = {1}, Gender = {2}, Salary = {3})", empIndex.EmployeeID, empIndex.Name, empIndex.Gender,
في المثال
السابق قمت بإنشاء class
باسم Employee وبداخلة أربع
خصائص Properties رقم الموظف, الاسم,
النوع, الراتب.
ثم داخل الـ Main Method قمت بتعريف ثلاث موظفين باخذ نسخة
instance من Employee class
Employee emp1 = new Employee
Employee emp2 = new Employee
Employee emp3 = new Employee
وإضافة البيانات
لكل خاصية من الخصائص مثل رقم الموظف والاسم وهكذا.
هنا تم تعريف dictionary
Dictionary<int, Employee> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
ولتعريف الـ dictionary لابد من تحديد أمرين الأول Key والثاني Value, وهنا تم تعريف الـ Key من نوع int والقيمة Value من النوع Employee.
تعريف الKey من النوع int ليس الزامي ولكن يمكن تعريف اي
نوع حسب الحالة التي تعمل عليها وهنا النوع int هو رقم الموظف.
وايضا النوع Value
تم تعريفة من النوع Employee ولكن يمكن تعريف
باي نوع وليكن string
او int او double كما تشاء.
تم إدراج الثلاث
موظفين داخل ال dictionary list باستخدام Add
الـ Add Method تأخد قيمتين من نفس النوع المعرف
داخل الـ dictionary list السابقة.
الـ int key تم اسناد emp1.EmployeeID رقم الموظف ورقم الموظف من النوع int, وEmployee value تم اسناد الـ instance من Employee class.
بعد ذلك تم
تحديد موظف محدد لنقوم بطباعة أو إظهار الـ value له وهو رقم 1كالتالي:
Employee empIndex = dictionary[1];
لطباعة بيانات
الموظف المحدد رقم 1
Console.WriteLine("EmployeeID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender = {2},
Salary = {3})",
empIndex.EmployeeID, empIndex.Name, empIndex.Gender, empIndex.Salary);
استخدام foreach لطباعة كل الــ Keys:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 400
Employee emp2 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 2,
Name = "Yasser",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 322
Employee emp3 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 3,
Name = "Sara",
Gender = "Female",
Salary = 333
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
dic.Add(emp3.EmployeeID, emp3);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> item in dic)
Console.WriteLine("EmployeeID =
{0}", item.Key);
باستخدام KeyValuePair مقروء بشكل افضل
من استخدام var وذلك لانه يظهر الـ Data Type الذي يحتاج إليها.
استخدام foreach لطباعة قيم محددة الــ Values:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 400
Employee emp2 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 2,
Name = "Yasser",
Gender = "Male",
Salary = 322
Employee emp3 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 3,
Name = "Sara",
Gender = "Female",
Salary = 333
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
dic.Add(emp3.EmployeeID, emp3);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> item in dic)
Console.WriteLine("Name =
{0} Salary = {1}", item.Value.Name, item.Value.Salary);
استخدام foreach var
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Console.Write("Enter valid
int amount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
string name = Console.ReadLine();
int age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
dic.Add(name, age);
foreach (var item in dic)
Console.WriteLine("Name is {0}
, Age is {1}", item.Key,item.Value);
ماذا يحث إذا
قمنا بإضافة نفس الـ Key ؟
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Salary = 400
Employee emp2 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 2,
Name = "Yasser",
Salary = 322
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
// Error
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> item in dic)
Console.WriteLine("Name =
{0} Salary = {1}", item.Value.Name, item.Value.Salary);
هنا تم إضافة Key مكرر للموظف رقم 2, فحدث خطأ Exception.
Exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has alr
eady been added.
لذلك يجب ان
نعلم ان الـ Key
هو فريد uniqueولا يتكرر. ولتفادي هذا
الخطأ يجب التأكد من عدم وجود هذا الـ Key. وهنا سوف نستخدم الإجراء ContainsKey Method .
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Salary = 400
Employee emp2 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 2,
Name = "Yasser",
Salary = 322
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
// Check
if (!(dic.ContainsKey(emp2.EmployeeID)))
dic.Add(emp2.EmployeeID, emp2);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> item in dic)
Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}
Salary = {1}", item.Value.Name,
ماذا يحدث إذا
تم البحث عن Key
غير موجود؟
في المثال
التالي تم البحث Key
بالرقم 777 وهو غير مسجل لدينا داخل ال dictionary list.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Salary { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Salary = 400
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
// Error
Employee emp = dic[777];
Console.WriteLine("ID =
{0}", emp.EmployeeID);
سوف يحدث خطأ وقت التشغيل Run time:
Unhandled Exception:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given
key was not present in the dictionary.
ولتفادي هذا
الخطأ يجب التأكد من وجود هذا الـ Key.
وهنا سوف نستخدم الإجراء ContainsKey Method.
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeID = 1,
Employee emp1 = new Employee
EmployeeID = 1,
Name = "Ali",
Salary = 400
Dictionary<int, Employee> dic = new Dictionary<int, Employee>();
dic.Add(emp1.EmployeeID, emp1);
// Check
if (dic.ContainsKey(777))
Employee emp = dic[777];
Console.WriteLine("ID =
{0}", emp.EmployeeID);
not found!");
بعد ذلك استخدمنا if(Dic.TryGetValue(5,out st)) وهو للتحقق من الـ Key دون حدوث خطأ.
الإجراء TryGetValue Method
الهدف من
استخدام TryGetValue Method
هو التأكد من وجود Key
معين دون ظهور خطأ Exception.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student();
stu3.ID = 3;
stu3.Name = "Sara";
stu3.Gender = "Female";
stu3.Degree = 7.3 ;
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
Student st;
if(Dic.TryGetValue(5,out st))
Console.WriteLine("ID= {0}
Name= {1} Degree= {2}",
Console.WriteLine("The key is
not found!");
public class Student
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Degree { get; set; }
في هذا المثال
تم تعريف Student class
وتم إدراج اربع خصائص Properties به وهي رقم ID, و الاسم و النوع والدرجة.
بعد ذلك داخل
الـ Main Method تم تعريف ثلاث نسخ instance من Student class وهماstu1, stu2, stu3
و تم تعريف قيم للـ Properties
{ ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
{ ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender
= "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student();
stu3.ID = 3;
stu3.Name = "Sara";
stu3.Gender = "Female";
stu3.Degree = 7.3 ;
بعد ذلك استخدمنا if(Dic.TryGetValue(5,out st)) وهو للتحقق من الـ Key دون حدوث خطأ.
لم يتم العثور
على المفتاح Key
ولم يحدث خطأ Exception
ولكن فقط ظهرت رسال.
لمعرفة عدد
عناصر الـ dictionary
نستخدمة الخاصية Count Property
أو استخدام الإجراء Count Method
ولكن في هذه الحالة سوف نستدعي namespace using System.Linq لنتمكن من
استخدام Count Method.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
Console.WriteLine("Total Count
Property= {0}", Dic.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Total Count
Method = {0}", Dic.Count());
public class Student
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Degree { get; set; }
مثال آخر على استخدام الإجراء Count Method عن طريق Lambda Expression.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
Lambda Expressions
Console.WriteLine("Total Count
Method = {0}", Dic.Count(kvp =>
kvp.Value.Degree > 7));
public class Student
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public double Degree { get; set; }
هنا نريد معرفة
عدد Count الطلبه التي درجاتهم أكبر من الرقم 7.5
Remove Method
تستخدم لحذف Key من داخل الـ Dictionary وتستخدم كالتالي:
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
Remove Method
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Student> item in Dic)
Console.WriteLine("ID =
{0}", item.Key);
في حالة حذف Key غير موجود داخل ال Dictionary لا يحدث خطأ Exception.
Clear Method
تستخدم لحذف كل
الـ Kyes من داخل الـ dictionary
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
// Clear
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Student> item in Dic)
Console.WriteLine("ID =
{0}", item.Key);
من Array
إلى Dictionary
- ToDictionary
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
Student[] studentsArr = new Student[3];
studentsArr[0] = stu1;
studentsArr[1] = stu2;
studentsArr[2] = stu3;
from Array to Dictionary
Dictionary<int, Student> dict = studentsArr.ToDictionary(mystu => mystu.ID,
x => x);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Student> item in dict)
Console.WriteLine("KEY = {0}
", item.Key);
Student stuu = item.Value;
Console.WriteLine("ID= {0}
Name= {1} Gender= {2} Degree= {3} ",
stuu.ID, stuu.Name, stuu.Gender, stuu.Degree);
من List<>
إلى Dictionary
static void Main(string[] args)
Student stu1 = new Student() { ID = 1, Name = "Ahmed", Gender = "Male", Degree = 8 };
Student stu2 = new Student() { ID = 2, Name = "Taha", Gender = "Male", Degree = 9.1 };
Student stu3 = new Student() { ID = 3, Name = "Sara", Gender = "Female", Degree = 7.3 };
Dictionary<int, Student> Dic = new Dictionary<int, Student>();
Dic.Add(stu1.ID, stu1);
Dic.Add(stu2.ID, stu2);
Dic.Add(stu3.ID, stu3);
List<Student> stuList = new List<Student>();
from List to Dictionary
Dictionary<int, Student> dict = stuList.ToDictionary(mystu => mystu.ID, x
=> x);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Student> item in dict)
Console.WriteLine("KEY = {0}
", item.Key);
Student stuu = item.Value;
Console.WriteLine("ID= {0}
Name= {1} Gender= {2} Degree= {3} ",
stuu.ID, stuu.Name, stuu.Gender, stuu.Degree);
ليست هناك تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
يسعدني إرسال تعليقاتكم وأسئلتكم واقتراحاتكم